FOSS devs can collect damages from license violators

FOSS devs can collect damages from license violators: "ars Technica: 'Robert Jacobson, the developer behind the open source Java Model Railroad Interface (JMRI) project, finally prevailed in a long-running open source software license enforcement lawsuit against Matthew Katzer, the owner of a company that sells commercial model train software.'"

How-To install Brother MFC 7340 Ubuntu 9.10

How to install the Brother MFC – 7340 on Ubuntu 9.10

Ok so I just bought a MFC-7340 and I had some trouble getting it to work on my ubuntu 9.10, but after some elbow grease, I managed to get it working. Here are the simple steps you will need to do, very simplified :)

  1. Download all these files

Place them all in the same folder just to make things easier later.

  1. Open a terminal window and move to the folder containing the files downloaded.

  2. Install the drivers.

sudo dpkg -i –force-all (lpr-drivername) NOTE the name of the file might be different
sudo dpkg -i --force-all (cupswrapper-drivername)

  1. Check if the driver was installed correctly.
    sudo dpkg -l | grep Brother
you should see something about the lpr and cups driver you just installed

  1. Install scanner drivers
    sudo dpkg -i --force-all (brscanmfc-drivername)
    sudo dpkg -i --force-all (scan-key-toolname)

There you go you have installed the Brother MFC-7340 drivers on your computer now you can go to
system->administration->printing. You can add new printer it should automatically find the MFC then when it asks to choose the driver you should see it on the list as “brother MFC-7340 cups” click on that one and that's it. You can now print a test page.

Note: to test the scanner you have to open xsane as root

sudo xsane

edit: ( I havent tested yet so don't quote me on it )

This is the solution to use the scanner as normal user.

Ubuntu 9.10
1. Open "/lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules" file.
2.Add the following two lines to the end of the device list. (Before the line "# The following rule will disable ..."): The lines to be added---------------------------

# Brother scanners
ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"
3. Restart the OS.

Inkscape used in schools

Inkscape used in schools: "In the Los Altos School District in California, they have a Digital Design program to teach the students about graphics software and programming. For the vector graphics course they are teaching the students how to use Inkscape. Here is a gallery of art created by approximately 175 4th grade students of the seven schools that this course is being taught at. There is a link next to each of the images on the following page which will take you to the corresponding sub-gallery."

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